
Become A Member

What It Means to Be a Member of IAPRF

This organization fills a vital need in Iowa. Iowans’ right to exercise bodily autonomy in decisions around family planning have been under attack for several years. Stand up for reproductive freedom!


General Membership

Receive PRF newsletters, invitations to join healthcare professional initiatives for reproductive freedom.

General Membership Fee



Freedom Membership

Receive PRF newsletters, invitations to join healthcare professional initiatives for reproductive freedom and mailed PRF swag package, invitation for annual reproductive freedom messaging training.

Freedom Membership Fee

$500 Annually OR $45 Monthly


Sustaining Membership

Receive PRF newsletters, invitations to join healthcare professional initiatives for reproductive freedom and mailed PRF swag package including PRF jacket, invitation for annual reproductive freedom messaging training.

Sustaining Membership Fee

$1,000 Annually OR $85 Monthly